Recent Trends of Telecommunication Industry

Recent Trends of Telecommunication Industry


With every passing day, we are witnessing the telecommunication industry is catching up a new trend to deliver even better service than yesterday. The industry has now spread its wings to other industries as well, making them adapt to the changes that really uplifted the living standard of people as a whole across the globe. In the last few years we have seen the changes, most of us experienced and enjoyed them as well. So what’s next? To predict we need to take a closer look at the current trends of the telecommunication industry. Most probably we are going to enjoy more bundle packages like the unlimited internet Montreal.

Connecting the Entire IoT Better

IoT, or Internet of Things has a market that is growing at a jet speedreaching much beyond the launching of new devices and increasing their functionalities.

The IoT has already connected most of our household items to its domain. It has reached beyond controlling your car, AC and refrigerator from a remote location through your smartphone. Now the focus has turned towards creating massive amounts of M2M data transfer with the highest possible speed with utmost security.

More of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is another “In” thing in the telecommunication industry today. It is shrouded with equal amount of challenges as that of the opportunities and conveniences it provides. The recent aim of cloud computing is evolving around the solutions that can deliver even higher quality of service, in lesser time, allowing more flexibility and scalable enterprise at a lower cost than before. The focus of the invention is to increase as well as secure cloud accessibility holding back the cord-cutters from creating havoc on the information cloud.

Wi-Fiof Carrier-Grade

With the benefits we get from Wi-Fi, it is hard to leave it behind at this juncture. It is still a better alternative to the 4G LTE connectivity, that can handle bandwidth-hogging services like a pro. It has reduced mobile video to the fraction of its cost. But the major disadvantage we still face today, is disgustingly slow and fickle Wi-Fi hotspots. We expect the new trend to bring a positive change to this scenario.

5G Network

The next generation of wireless network technology has already stepped in. in the coming days we can very well guess where the 5G network will lead us to. What we experienced with 4G till now will be improved to a greater extent and 5G will successfully fill in the gaps we have been awaiting.


It is expected that in a few couple of months the CSPs will get into managing the content game themselves. The strategy that most of the CSPs would seem to be owning is concentrating on the content and integrate them well with their systems to the maximum possibility. Hence, however the content will be consumed, the CSPs will continue to derive revenue from the data they process. There could also be a possibility that few will even focus on the massive amount of user data and the ad network that they can built from it.

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