How to Know If your Domain has been Penalized by Google?

How to Know If your Domain has been Penalized by Google

The penalty domain is one of the problems that worry the webmaster who manages pages and websites. Sometimes, it happens that one day your website is ranked between the search for results, and then it completely disappears from Google searches.

If this situation occurs then you cannot achieve a good web ranking, and you begin to lose thousands of visits to your website. Therefore, in this article you can find out if your domain has been penalized or not.

How to Know If your Domain has been Penalized by Google

You can also consult “SEO Agency in Dubai” if you have any issue regarding web ranking or penalty domain. Or join “SEO Communities” to get updates about web ranking.

What are Google Penalties?

Firstly, you have to know what are the penalties of a domain in Google. You can visit “Digitalmarketing” to get the details regarding penalties of a domain in Google.

In various areas, such as sports and finance, we know that a penalty is a punishment that is committed for making a serious mistake. Well, it is precisely what happens in the digital world.

The Webmaster well known to have a penalty in one of its pages or sites is a serious problem that removes the website from the search results Google. Therefore, they must solve the situation so that the website can be enabled again.

It is important to take into account the changes that Google makes, and be attentive to these to see if they affect our website or if it is maintained. The purpose of such changes is to improve the quality of search results, and to provide a better experience for Internet users.

For this reason, the content of poor quality is eliminated, so optimized and good quality content are placed first. To meet this objective, it is important to carry out an SEO Audit that will help to eliminate all the ‘bad’ content and highlight the ‘good’.

Every time there is a change in Google, some pages are favored, and others come out of the most important search engine searches on the Internet.

As a result, those who meet these requirements or Google parameters obtain more traffic because they enjoy excellent positioning. On the other hand, those who do not comply with it, are removed from the ” privileged list ” of Google, and their level of traffic is reduced.

Why is it Important to Know If Google has penalized Me?

One of the important reasons to be on the Internet is to be among the first places in Google results . This way you can help to generate more traffic, achieve more conversions, among other objectives.

It must be recognized that Google is the world’s largest search engine, and being among the top search sites will be a great opportunity to show your website to the thousands of users on the Internet.

Therefore, Google becomes your main source of organic traffic, and to position themselves, they use the appropriate keywords.

How to See or Check If My Domain is Penalized?

Probably, we can say that our domain is penalized by Google because it does not appear in the search for results, but in some cases, what happens is that it produces fluctuations, that is, changes in Google, which makes your domain no longer in the list of first results.

These are some symptoms or things that happen when a domain is penalized:

  • Losing visibility for some or all of the keywords.
  • The domain no longer appears in the Google search engine by name.
  • Organic traffic from Google is reduced.
  • The domain is detached from the Google search engine.

Reasons for the Google Domain Penalty

The ‘symptoms’ or things that happen when a domain is penalized are not produced by chance, because previously, a series of errors have been made that have affected the page or website. Therefore, we have mentioned some reasons that can cause a domain penalty in Google:

  • Having serious errors with HTML.
  • Reload keyword pages to increase relevance in search results.
  • Have duplicate content.
  • Having lots of broken links.
  • Having links in the Footer that are not related to your website.
  • Have constantly exchanged links.
  • Have bought links.
  • Having a hidden text in the code that is only visible to search robots on your website.
  • Having URLs or headlines that do not fulfill the promise, that is, the content does not represent what the headline promises.
  • Excessive link exchanges unrelated to your website.
  • Copy content from other sites or web pages.
  • Complete the footer with unrelated links.
  • Negative SEO

Types of Penalties

To know more about how Google penalties work, it must be recognized that search engines use an algorithm, which is based on Artificial Intelligence, so it is important to have good Machine Learning. It decides and adds authority and value to the content of a web page.

After that, it positions it in the results ranking list. Therefore, we will explain what are the types of penalties that exist.

Manual Penalties

These penalties occur because your website has spread an alarm signal, because a Google employee or anyone else has made a complaint or investigation that reports some errors on your website.

Therefore, a search engine member will review your website, and if it finds any suspicious practices that alter the guidelines, and if the case is relevant, manual action may be taken.

Then, you will receive a notification through Search Console, and you can notify Google again when the problems have been fixed.

Algorithmic Penalties

Algorithmic penalties occur when search engines discover suspicious practices or cases of manipulation that do not comply with the guidelines of the use of search engines. As a consequence, the website may rank at the bottom of the search results, but this depends on the severity of the penalty.

This sanction is not very serious compared to manual penalties. In addition, no notification is received from Search Console, but you must be aware of the changes that can be made in the search engines to be positioned in one of the first places in the search, and not be affected by these types of penalties.

How to Recognize If the Website has been Penalized?

After explaining what the symptoms, reasons and types of penalties may be, we will explain how to detect or recognize if a web page has been penalized.

As we explained in the previous point, if a manual penalty is received, it will be notified with an alert, where the reasons are explained, since it would be an individual action of the search engine.

But it should be noted that the content of your page is all over the Internet, therefore, Google will not always notify you if your site suffered a punishment.

The other way to receive a penalty is to simply apply the punishment without sending and receiving any notification.

Therefore, we must be attentive to the following metric analysis platforms such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console. But there are 3 simple ways to recognize if your site has been penalized:

  • Receive alerts in Google Search Console.
  • Having a sharp decline in the positioning of SERPs.
  • Having trouble indexing pages in search results.

In 2011, Google created specialized sites for the purpose of detecting the practices of webmasters trying to alter search results. These are known as Google’s “animals”: Panda and Penguin.

These sites sanction websites that have behaviors that do not conform to Google standards, and are misleading for users.

Google Panda

It is a popular algorithm of Google, and is in charge of stopping spam, false advertisements and low-quality content, in order to provide users with the best Internet experience and give updated information on the network, without risk of being cheated or misinformed.

Here are a few reasons why you may be penalized by Google Panda, according to Mark Nunney:

  • High percentage of duplicate content.
  • Low amount of original content on your website.
  • Lots of misleading, irrelevant, or false ads.
  • The content of the page or the headline does not fulfill the promise or the search query.

These are some solutions that can be done to get out of this penalty:

  • Delete duplicate content.
  • Take care of outgoing links.
  • Reduce advertising.
  • Avoid over optimization and keywords.

Google Penguin

It is also known as Penguin, and it is one of the best known algorithms in SEO, and its purpose is to find and detect web pages that manipulate and create artificial links, in order to improve their positioning in the search for the first Google results.

Here are some reasons why you may be penalized by Google Penguin, according to Mark Nunney:

Frequently buy and exchange links.

Use automatic programs or services to create links.

Create manual links

To solve these problems, you can perform the following solutions:

  • Download the link profile found in Google Search Console.
  • Separate spam links.
  • Ask them to delete the damaged links.
  • Send Google a reconsideration to activate your website.


Know what domain penalties help us to avoid making mistakes that could harm our website. In some cases, penalized sites have lost 20, 50 or more places on the Google search results list.

Therefore, knowing the symptoms of this problem helps us to take control in case the punishment has been carried out.

It should be recognized that there are some methods that must be followed to clean up the penalized domain. In addition, you must be aware of changes and updates made by Google from time to time.

Other specialized seminars could help you to increase your digital knowledge. You can participate in Google Analytics and Google Adword Courses which can serve to certify you as a Partner in Google.

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